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Way of thinking

Tone and voice


We are responsible and serious. We are the state's gambling company, and you should be able to trust us. Therefore, we are always clear and straightforward. And that is why we are never misleading or condescending. We do not shy away from being more serious when the subject calls for it. When, for example, it concerns the problems that gambling can, unfortunately, lead to.


How it influences our writing

We are a gambling company. Many of our customers win, but most of them still lose. Therefore, we can't promise the moon, but we can promise them that they will have fun with us. Of course, we need to allow ourselves as well as our customers to dream, otherwise, life would be boring. But at the same time, we are the gambling company with both feet on the ground. We will tell the truth and avoid exaggerations.

How it affects our design

Our design is always well thought out and clear. It helps our customers to more easily understand how everything works and gives them a good overview of their gaming. By following best practices for UX in the industry, we help our customers recognize themselves and feel secure.


We're the kind gambling company, something we think the gambling world needs. We care about and take care of our users.


How it affects our design

We work with images and visual expressions that exude optimism, warmth and community.


We love what we do. That's why we want to bring energy to everything we do and create the feeling of a company in constant motion. Our drive comes from our interest in our customers and the ambition to always give them the best gaming experience. Our strong connection to sport is a good example of the energy that exists in Svenska Spel.

Energifylld kvinna på promenad

How it affects our writing

Our customers play for relaxation, excitement, and because it's fun. Therefore, we should write as entertainingly as possible. Of course, we need to be factual sometimes, but it is often possible to add a punchline at the end anyway.

How it affects our design

Our overall design should feel positive and enjoyable. An unexpected image choice is a rewarding way to enhance a slightly uninteresting message. A sense of humour where you do not expect it is disarming and pleasant.

What we are not

Let's dwell only a little bit on this - it's always better to talk about what you are than what you are not. But it can still be helpful to know for you who work with our communication in one way or another.

  • We are state-owned but shall not be perceived as an authority.
  • We are not pushy or sneaky.
  • We are not cool, masculine or money fixated.
  • We are Swedish but not part of the Swedish melancholy. We are in the entertainment business.
  • Sure, it can be fun when things are a little twisted, but we're not that weird.
  • We do not use "gambling-company lingo".