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Getting started

Whats new

This sections is regularly updated with latest release notes and updates from team designTech.

We will try to write about updates, changes and other improvements here continuously. But also things we are working on right now and things we see that we will work on in the future. We welcome feedback and suggestions for improvements, new components or other questions and concerns.

Check out the contribute section to find out how to contribute to Svenska Spel Design System.

Latest releases

Latest updated components


Our long-term goal is to continue to develop the Design System to allow it to blossom to its full potential, based on feedback and input from our users.

Parallel to all this, we will start developing the next generation components to ensure that we can deliver our components to more customers, regardless of which framework they use.

The overall goal is that no matter where you meet Svenska Spel, there will be guidelines and components from the Design system that help strengthen the brand and at the same time make the receiver feel safe and secure about who is the sender.