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Toasts are non-disruptive messages that appear in the interface, delivering instant feedback.

Interactive demo

This demo lets you preview the toast component and its variations.


Toasts provide concise and non-disruptive messages for user feedback, enhancing communication and user experience. They deliver important information in a visually appealing and unobtrusive manner. Toasts are a suitable choice when you need to deliver brief and non-disruptive messages to users.


Instant feedback

Instant feedback

Toasts provide immediate feedback to users, keeping them informed about the outcome of their actions or notifying them of important information.


Non dissruptive

Toasts allow users to continue their tasks without interruption while still providing valuable feedback or information.



Toasts should appear in response to a user task or an action, with relevant information.


Do: Primary button is always positioned right to maintain a balance in your layout.


Primary button is always positioned right to maintain a balance in your layout.
Dont: Avoid position primary action to the left, this creates a unbalanced layout and confused user experience.


Avoid position primary action to the left, this creates a unbalanced layout and confused user experience.
Do: Use a single toast to convey a specific message or notification to the user.


Use a single toast to convey a specific message or notification to the user.
Dont: Display multiple toasts simultaneously, as it can create confusion and distract the user.


Display multiple toasts simultaneously, as it can create confusion and distract the user.


There are different variants of Toasts designed to meet diverse scenarios and user requirements. All Toasts include essential components such as a supporting icon, a title, and a call to action, ensuring effective communication and user engagement. Additionally, you have the option to include supporting text or a secondary action to further enhance the Toast's functionality and provide more context to the user.


Title and supporting text

Toast with title and supporting text

Toast with Title and Additional Text: In this variant, along with the title, additional supporting text is provided to offer more context and clarity to the user.


Toast with title

This variant presents a concise message with a title, ensuring important information is communicated effectively.

Title + message (2 button)

Toast with Title + message (2 button)

This variant features two buttons, providing users with multiple options to choose from or take different actions based on their preferences.

Title (1 button)

Toast with Title (1 button)

This variant includes a single button, enabling users to take a specific action directly from the Toast itself.


The mobile variant is optimized to fit better within the smaller viewport.

Title + message (1 button)

Toast with Title + message (1 button)

This variant with Title and Supporting Text provides additional information to assist users.

Title (1 button)

Toast with title

This variant presents a concise message with a title, ensuring important information is communicated effectively.

Buttons in a row

Toast with Buttons in a row

A Toast with buttons in a row presents multiple actions side by side, allowing users to easily access and interact with each button.

Stacked buttons

Toast with stacked buttons

Toast with stacked buttons arranges the actions vertically, providing a clear and organized layout for users to choose from.

Toast to dialog

Toast belongs to the same family as dialog, which means that toast is part of the dialog queue system.

Queue system

If there is one or more visible toasts on the page and one or multiple dialogs are opened at the same time, all visible toasts on the page will transform to dialogs and end up in the dialog queue. The user then needs to take action for each "toast" (now transformed to a dialog) before it can see and take action to the newly opened dialogs.


The Toast consist of essential components like the container, content, and optional elements for presenting information or capturing input.


Anatomy of a toaster

A – Container.
B – Icon.
C – Title.
D – Supporting text (optional).
E – Secondary action (optional).
F– Primary action.

Atoms mobile

Anatomy of a toaster

A – Container.
B – Icon.
C – Title.
D – Supporting text (optional).
E – Secondary action (optional).
F – Primary action.


Toasts are displayed at 24dp elevation and display a shadow. They appear above other content.


By using the specific brand color in the toast, it maintains a cohesive and visually unified experience.

Desktop variant

Use the business area's brand color for the primary action in the toast. This creates visual consistency and reinforces brand association.

Branded toast for desktop

A - Tur.
B - Sport % Casino.

Mobile variant

Similarly, in the mobile variant, the primary action in the toast utilizes the business area's brand color. This ensures consistency across different devices and reinforces brand identity.

Branded toast for mobile

A - Tur.
B - Sport % Casino.