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Date Picker

Date pickers make it easy for users to choose specific dates or date ranges by providing a calendar view with an overview of days, months, and years.

Interactive demo

This demo lets you preview the Date picker component, its variations, and configuration options. Use toggle single and grouped configuration.

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Docked date pickers enable users to select specific dates, years, and times. The default view includes a date input field, and with interaction, a dropdown calendar becomes accessible. This dual input method offers versatility for date and time selection, making it suitable for a wide range of temporal needs, from immediate dates to distant ones.

Standard calendar


Dates can be added by simply clicking on the desired date. Give it a try using the interactive demo.

Standard calendar

Date selection

To select a date, click on your first desired date.

Selected day calendar

Date range

To select a date range, click on your first desired date, and then click on the last date.

Selected dayrange calendar

Month selection

You can navigate through month selections by simply tapping or clicking on your desired month.

Month selection calendar

Year selection

The frame's title is displayed in both the collapsed and expanded states. The title text can span multiple lines if necessary. The same applies to selecting a year by simply clicking on your desired choice.

year selection

Time selection

Time selection is integrated using a native approach to guarantee a user-friendly experience consistent with the user's device and browser.

Selected day and time

Native time selections

We've integrated native solutions into our timepicker to guarantee that it meets users' expectations across different platforms and browsers, resulting in a user-friendly experience.

Examples of native time pickers.

IOS native datepicker

iOS native time picker.

Andriod datepicker

Android native time picker.


Anatomy datepicker

Anatomy of datepicker

A. Input field
B. Title, month and year selection
C. Icon button
D. Weekdays label text
E. Today’s date
F. Unselected date
G. Selected date
H. Container
I. Text button

Anatomy weekday

Anatomy weekday

A. Title (Weekday)
B. Weekday (Number)

Anatomy month

Anatomy month

A. Icon button
B. Month selection
C. Selected month
D. Text button

Anatomy date range

Anatomy of date range picker

A. Input field (showing selected dates in text)
B. Selected start date
C. Active dates in range
D. Selected end of date range


Single date picker

Standard datepicker

To select a date, click on your first desired date.

Date and time picker – with start times

Datepicker with time

Click on your preferred date, then click on the clock icon button to access native time selection.

Date and time picker – with end times

Datepicker with end time

Click on your preferred date, then click on the clock icon button to access native time selection.

Date and time picker – with start & end times

Datepicker with both start and end time

Click on your desired date and click on the clock icon button for both start and end time to access native time selection.

Range date picker

Datepicker with range

To select a date range, click on your first desired date, and then click on the last date.

Range date and time picker

Datepicker with range and time

This variant have three choices – only a start time, only an end time, or both start and end times as choices.

Date picker with weekdays

Datepicker with weekdays

This option is available in the day and day range variants, to give the user more information.


The Date picker comes in two sizes. Default for desktop and mobile views and small size for smaller mobile views (320px)

Datepicker sizes

Size comparison: default size vs small.


Datepicker with AO branding

Sport & Casino and Tur Date picker.

Responsive layout

The Date picker is in a fixed size. Use either’ Default’ in both desktop and mobile and ‘Small’ when in smaller mobile views.

Do:Utilize the default size or the small size when dealing with smaller mobile views


Utilize the 'default' size or the 'small' size when dealing with smaller mobile views (e.g., 320px).
Don´t:Resize the date picker to fit the view


Resize the date picker to fit the view, as this can result in a less user-friendly component.